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PearlHow much is the cold storage for one square meterWhat points should be paid attention to in sea

2024-07-17 04:50:12release

Points of multi-storey cold storage: small, which can save land; When the storage capacity is the same, the surface area of the outer enclosure structure is smaller than that of the single-layer cold storage, so that the cold consumption can be reduced, the dry consumption of food can be reduced, and the machinery and equipment cost and operation and management cost can be reduced accordingly. At the same time, due to the saving of thermal insulation materials, the civil construction cost per unit area is low and the investment cost is small; The multi-storey location can be reasonable, such as the cooling room can be used as the cold storage room, the attic on the top floor can be built into the ice making room, etc.Indirect cooling is that the air in the warehouse is pumped into the air cooling device by the blower. The air is absorbed by the evaporation pipe circling in the cooling device, and then sent to the warehouse for cooling. The advantages of air cooling are rapid cooling, uniform temperature in the warehouse, and can bring harmful gases such as carbon oxide out of the warehouse during storage.PearlClean the bearing and replace the oil in the centrifugal pump, which can be ceiling type. If the number of warehouses is small and the volume does not exceed cubic meters with freon as the refrigerant. The evaporation mode in the warehouse is the cooling fan,PearlInstallation of professional cold storage, the refrigeration mode of the warehouse machine can be considered. If there are a large number of warehouses, the mode of multiple heads in parallel can be considered.Orastie,The construction of small cold storage is widely used in life, such as food industry, manufacturing industry, etc. since cold storage is so widely used, do you know cold storage? Especially the construction process and steps of cold storage. Understanding the construction process and steps of cold storage is helpful for all links of cold storage maintenance.Because polyurethane sheet has excellent thermal insulation performance, it can reduce the thickness of building envelope and increase indoor use area under the same thermal insulation requirements.When hot ammonia defrosting or electric defrosting is selected as the cooling fan, professional cold storage installation, cold storage installation, cold storage construction, fruit preservation cold storage, medical cold storage, safety, environmental protection and economy! The products are exported to foreign countries and are deeply trusted. Defrosting and drainage can be discharged immediately. Electric heat tracing and insulation can be selected for the defrosting and drainage pipeline of the warehouse location.

PearlHow much is the cold storage for one square meterWhat points should be paid attention to in seasonal work

Cold storage has good water tightness. Polyurethane rigid foam has low water absorption, good permeability to water vapor, foam holes, disconnected and closed porosity of more than %. It is a dense microporous foam material, which is more dense than air surface, and is not easy to permeate. It belongs to hydrophobic materials.With the rapid development of modern commerce, the original cold storage for the purpose of product storage can no longer meet the needs of rapid, accurate and small batch circulation of modern commodities. Therefore the cold chain of logistics center cold storage for the purpose of product distribution came into being and developed rapidly, playing a more and more important role in the commodity circulation chain. What are the characteristics of the rapid development of cold storage construction?The selection of cold storage is very important for cold storage, because cold storage is different from ordinary cold storage. The temperature in cold storage is usually low, attention must be paid to the selection of cold storage with better temperature. If the selection of cold storage is not good, which is easy to cause the deterioration of products in the cold storage, or the refrigeration compressor in the cold storage often works, wasting more resources and increasing the cost.Quotation sheet,In the process of realizing your dream, the collection pit (pool) for flushing (thawing) and drainage should adopt the Countermeasures of avoiding freezing and cleaning and avoiding backflow of water.The overall construction achievements of the cold storage project have been put into use, and the service life can reach years.When outdoor air enters the cold storage body, it will not only increase the cold consumption of the cold storage, but also bring water into the warehouse. The condensation of water will lead to the building structure, especially the heat insulation structure being damaged by moisture and freezing. Therefore, a moisture-proof and heat insulation layer should be set to keep the cold storage board building moisture-proof and air-proof performance and good sealing.

PearlHow much is the cold storage for one square meterWhat points should be paid attention to in seasonal work

When using the cold storage, try to keep the ground clean and professional cold storage installation,Quotation sheet,PearlFruit and vegetable cold storage,The type of cold storage to be built in the type of cold storage should be determined according to the type of circulating goods. For example, the cold storage that only circulates vegetables can only build a fresh-keeping cold storage, while the cold storage with refrigeration + freezing will be built if there are many types of circulating goods and great difference in storage temperature. As for the size of the cold storage, it should be determined according to the type, quantity, frequency, cycle, whether to use shelf stacking and so on. For example, for fruits and vegetables packed in cartons, the storage capacity of -kg per cubic meter can be referred to,PearlFood cold storage installation manufacturer, mainly to condense the refrigerant. The high-pressure temperature can reach Baidu, and the temperature will drop to degrees after condensation.Airtight construction of quick freezing storehouse: the modified atmosphere fresh-keeping storehouse is developed on the basis of the traditional high-temperature fresh-keeping storehouse, which has the & ldquo; Refrigeration & rdquo; Function, long-term cold storage installation, cold storage installation, cold storage construction, fruit fresh-keeping cold storage, medical cold storage, complete products, excellent quality and favorable price. There are also & ldquo; Air conditioning & rdquo; Function; However, the quick freezing storehouse is not a simple superposition of ordinary high temperature storehouse and air conditioning equipment. In order to adjust the gas composition in the storehouse quickly, it is necessary to ensure that the quick freezing storehouse has good air tightness. This has been confirmed by the theoretical research and a large number of practical experience of quick freezing warehouse.Pearl,The product shade warehouse is a warehouse location below ℃ and the sun cannot be straight. The humidity is % ~ % relative humidity, and there are corresponding strict requirements for the wall, ceiling, ventilation, disinfection and epidemic prevention of the warehouse. The refrigeration system adopts full-automatic microcomputer electrical technology and does not need to be on duty. It mainly stores western and Chinese grass materials and instruments, and can monitor and record the temperature and humidity in the storage area.In the cold storage project, the selection of cold storage is related to the overall operation of cold storage in the future. The selection of high-quality cold storage is conducive to the use and maintenance of cold storage. This requires us to inquire more about the warehouse board for cold storage engineering. Before the construction of cold storage project, we should first realize the temperature requirements of cold storage and the importance of cold storage to cold storage. Because the cold storage project has high environmental requirements such as temperature, attention should be paid to the performance and material of the cold storage board when selecting the cold storage board.Step of cold storage design: define the volume of the cold storage warehouse. The size of the cold storage should be based on the design of a large number of agricultural products to be stored for a long time. This volume is calculated based on the essential volume of stored goods accumulated in the cold storage, plus the row to row corridors, the indoor space between the pile and the wall the ceiling and the gap of the packaging house. After the volume of the cold storage is determined, the length and height width ratio of the cold storage shall be determined. Necessary auxiliary engineering buildings and equipment shall also be considered in the design of cold storage, such as working intermediate, packaging and combing room, special tool warehouse, loading and unloading platform, etc.

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