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JanicaCold storage warehouse designCommon mechanical faults and troubleshooting

2024-07-26 04:19:16release

Features of quick freezing warehouse: the quick freezing technology is advanced, the frost free quick freezing method is adopted, the famous brand compressor and refrigeration accessories are configured, and the automatic frost is adopted. The method can only be used by microcomputer. The refrigeration system adopts green refrigerant, which belongs to the international advanced refrigeration technology in the st century.It will still decrease. The humidification amount will decrease by % at degrees.Janica,Scrubbers are often used in controlled atmosphere warehouses. The scrubber is more complex and requires spraying device,JanicaHow much is the installation of cold storage per square meter, so it is less used. The type of air washing device to be used depends on the equipment and environmental conditions. In winter, the outside temperature is low, so ventilation is appropriate, while the controlled atmosphere storage and are different.The bacterial action of acid disinfectants is mainly to coagulate the protein in the bacteria. Common disinfectants include lactic acid, bleach,JanicaInstallation of refrigeration equipment in cold storage, formalin, etc. Specifically, after the fish comes out of the freezer, clean the frost layer on the evaporating pipe group and keep the storehouse temperature below degrees Celsius. Then, the storeroom door is closed tightly with the sprayer, and the blower is started intermittently so that the vinegar evaporates and flows in the storehouse, which makes the vinegar absorb a lot of fish smell.Haiti,The type of cold storage to be built in the type of cold storage should be determined according to the type of circulating goods. For example, the cold storage that only circulates vegetables can only build a fresh-keeping cold storage, while the cold storage with refrigeration + freezing will be built if there are many types of circulating goods and great difference in storage temperature. As for the size of the cold storage, it should be determined according to the type, quantity, frequency, cycle, whether to use shelf stacking and so on. For example, for fruits and vegetables packed in cartons, the storage capacity of -kg per cubic meter can be referred to, and the size of cold storage construction can be estimated in combination with the storage capacity rate of about .-.. - Installation of the vertical plate of the cold storage: select the angle first according to the site conditions and locate it (i.e. lock the vertical plate and the floor) to extend to both sides at this angle. Only lock the vertical plate and the vertical plate, and locate it when it meets the vertical angle. Put the beautiful plate in a conspicuous place. When installing it on the side of the evaporator, make the drainage pipe in advance, and make U-bend and silica gel outside the storage.There are two kinds of refrigeration in the cold storage group: immediate refrigeration and simple refrigeration.

JanicaCold storage warehouse designCommon mechanical faults and troubleshooting

The common phenomenon of quick freezing storehouse is that the temperature of quick freezing storehouse can't drop down or drops slowly. Now, a simple analysis is made on the reasons for the slow drop of temperature: the cold capacity loss of quick freezing storehouse is large due to poor thermal insulation or sealing performance; the poor thermal insulation performance is due to insufficient thickness of thermal insulation layer of pipeline and warehouse thermal insulation wall, resulting in poor thermal insulation and thermal insulation effect, It is mainly caused by improper selection of insulation layer thickness in design or poor quality of insulation materials in construction.The air suction surface of the condenser shall be kept more than mm away from the wall and the air outlet shall be kept more than m away from obstacles.It is strictly prohibited to place articles with pollution and peculiar smell around the cold storage. The surrounding environment of the cold storage must be cleaned and disinfected regularly every day, and the door of the cold storage must be locked.Honesty and mutual benefit,The installation of top warehouse plate should be carried out alternately with the installation of wall plate, and the wall plate should leave a gap for withdrawing construction equipment; During the installation of the top warehouse plate the end steel sheet at the overlap with the wall plate shall be disconnected for mm to prevent the cold bridge from running cold; Two layers of foaming materials shall be evenly and continuously punched on the joint surface between each top warehouse plate. Rivets shall be pulled and fixed at the internal and external lap joints of the steel plate, and the rivet spacing shall be mm; According to the design drawings, if there are supporting beams, columns and supporting steel frames in the warehouse, the setting out and positioning shall be carried out and accurate and clear marks shall be made according to the requirements of the design drawings; Weld or install the support beam, column, support steel frame,JanicaWhat are the cold storage installation companies, etc., and the welded junction shall be moisture-proof and treated according to the drawing requirements.Floor insulation of medium-sized cold storage the structure of medium-sized cold storage is what we often call the surface that is, the top and wall are made of color steel plate / stainless steel with appropriate thickness of polyurethane and other insulation materials, while the ground needs to be insulated separately. At present, the common operations in the market are: laying the ground with XPS extruded board, laying moisture-proof and steam isolating SPS materials above and below the extruded board respectively, and then pouring concrete or reinforced concrete.Whether the water pump works normally and whether the moldy switch is effective. In case of abnormality, timely handle the overhaul and maintenance of the refrigeration compressor in the cold storage: generally, the refrigeration oil and drying filter shall be replaced times after the operation of the cold storage equipment. Replacement after half a year. Depending on the circumstances.

JanicaCold storage warehouse designCommon mechanical faults and troubleshooting

The temperature and humidity in the warehouse shall be kept uniform without movement; Try to finish the food in the warehouse at one time.Product survey,Cold storage has good fire and flame resistance. After adding flame retardant, it can be carbonized, unlike flow burning and flashover like extruded board, which can effectively prevent fire spread. In particular, it can be closed as a whole after fire prevention treatment to form non combustible products.For the selection of air conditioning units, and achieve the effect of energy saving.The products stored in the medical cold storage project must be managed by color code, so as to avoid the problem of purchase errors. In the process of handling, it is also necessary to strictly follow the instructions.Janica,Different food processing technical processes for the construction of cold storage are combined with local urban planning. The construction of cold storage is the design requirements and construction of cold storage, which not only avoids the cross pollution between foods, but also ensures its transportation facilities: within the construction scope, a reasonable overall layout, saves land and reduces costs.When the cold storage is used for the first time or shut down for a long time, it is strictly prohibited to stack goods in the warehouse. The warehouse must be slowly reduced to the required temperature. For the low-temperature warehouse, it needs to be cooled in stages to avoid sudden changes in the temperature difference inside and outside the warehouse, resulting in the warehouse body.The medical cold storage has been widely used in the industry. For the use of the medical cold storage project, we must combine the performance of the product and store it according to the temperature and humidity required by the product. The automatic temperature box also needs to be used outside the product cold storage. At the same time, the management personnel must be familiar with the operation steps of the medical cold storage project.

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