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MustasariVertical heavy-duty slurry pumpSee more

2024-07-26 05:22:57release

  The higher the specific speed of submersible slurry pump, the smaller the allowable cutting amount of impeller diameter. In addition to the sealing effect, the auxiliary impeller of the submersible slurry pump can also reduce the axial force.  Troubleshooting: first increase the water pressure, then inject water into the pump body, and then start the pump. At the same time,MustasariDeep well submersible pump, check whether the check valve is tight and whether the pipes and joints leak. If air leakage is found, apply lubricating oil or mixed paint on the joint after disassembly, and tighten the screws.Mustasari,   Determination of lift  A large amount of lubricating oil is stored.Gisborne,  What is the order.   To ensure the efficient operation of the submerged slurry pump, the clearance between the impeller and the front guard plate must be adjusted regularly to keep it between (.-mm). In addition to monitoring the flow and pressure during the operation of the pump the motor shall not exceed the rated current of the motor. Monitor oil seal and bearing at any time  According to the user&#;s requirements, the motor can add a variety of protection devices such as water inflow detection and overheating, so that the product can operate safely for a long time under adverse working conditions.

MustasariVertical heavy-duty slurry pumpSee more

  How to avoid this situation when the equipment is in use.  The ability of dirt passing through makes it safer to use.  Pump, sewage submersible pump and seawater submersible pump.High value   It may be that the motor power of the water pump is too large, the working current is too large, and the heat generation is too large, resulting in the high temperature of the vacuum pump.  Moreover, because the length of the long shaft is generally fixed, when it is used later, the place where it operates will also be limited. If the equipment will  Different installation requirements: the vertical slurry pump needs to be fixed, while the submersible slurry pump does not need to be fixed. It can directly invade into the liquid for operation.

MustasariVertical heavy-duty slurry pumpSee more

   Then replace the pulley and pump cover plate and tighten the fixing nuts.Interpretation and observation,   Cutting blades can be selected to cut some large block solid substances into pieces during use, so that blockage can be avoided during reuse.  Distance from the dynamic water level of the pool to the center of the water outlet of the pump base (m)  The water pump can be used to transport and pressurize clean water without impurities, such as apartment, residence, villa water supply, factory water supply, water supply system, drinking water system and water treatment. In short, there are many uses.Mustasari, the cut impeller is usually used. The cut is   Dust and oil stains on the motor reduce the heat dissipation capacity of the equipment and cause the equipment temperature to rise.  It should be /-/ between. When the packing is worn,MustasariQJ submersible pump, the packing gland can be properly pressed. If it is worn too much, it should be replaced. The whole commissioning process of the submersible slurry pump mainly includes the above five tasks, which are mainly to pay attention to the details and the phenomena occurred during the operation, and timely deal with the problems in time to avoid being on duty Accidents during operation cause losses.

Wendong Dried F
2floor-- · 2024-07-26 13:25:52

Finally got MustasariVertical heavy-duty slurry pump So happy that! The workmanship is great.

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Sales of electr
3floor-- · 2024-07-26 13:33:07

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Hongnuo Clean E
4floor-- · 2024-07-26 13:44:05

MustasariVertical heavy-duty slurry pump The price is very high, and the quality is very good if you can buy it at such a price.

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Xinshengda Natu
5floor-- · 2024-07-26 13:50:00

The quality is very good, exactly the same as the seller’s description, very satisfied, really like it, completely exceeding expectations, the delivery speed is very fast, the packaging is very careful and strict, the logistics company’s service attitude is very good, the delivery speed is very fast, and I am very satisfied One time shopping.

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